Friday, January 22, 2010

Day twelve, smokers alley

I'm onto day twelve. The hardest part continues to be walking to and from work. You see I take the blue line and get off at Washington and work on LaSalle. The quickest way to get to my building is to cut down a couple of allys, that is also the only place that people downtown can smoke since the smokingn ban laws. So I walk past about 20-50 smokers each way in a two block strech. I am tempted each and every day to ask someone for one. Now the simple and obvious solution would be to just simply not walk through the ally. Going around would, however, add another two blocks to my walk, and while I could use the extra exercise, it's Chicago, and it's Janurary, it's just too damn cold to do that! So I will continue to cut through smokers alley, and fight the tempentation. It builds character, right?

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