Saturday, March 6, 2010

55 days, and it's finally spring

Today is 55 days! Also I've given up the gum for quite a while already too, so I am finally completely 100% nicotine free!

Today I really thought was going to be a challenge. The first quazi warm sunny day in Chicago, the first sign that spring is coming. It was 40 degrees, and beautiful, no coat, no scarf, gloves or hat, just wonderfulness of melting snow. Usually my favorite thing to do on a day like this is to get in my car, put on some warm summery music and drive to an outdoor mall. This drive entails having the windows down and smoking; it was something I looked forward to all winter. So today I had to go to the mall anyway to take back some of the massive amount of clothing I bought for myself with my tax return. I got in my car, turned the radio up, rolled the windows down, and drove, and didn't smoke and it was still as wonderful as it always is, maybe even better.

Actually it did get better because on my way home I was able to turn on the radio and listen to the White Sox spring training game, nothing says warm and sunny like listening to Ed Farmer and DJ. This is going to be a good year for the Sox, and I can't wait for the real season to start and be at opening day. Summer is almost here!
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