Wednesday, January 13, 2010

72 hours (I get by with (more) than a little help from my friends)

Ok, made it past the 72 hour mark, and boy this was the hardest day so far. I almost completely broke down and bought a pack, walked into Walgreens ready to buy one, and at the last second decided to get nicotine gum instead. I have been given so much support from SO many wonderful people, I couldn't let everyone down. Really mom, dad, Mike, Chris, Nic, Angelina, Loretta, Fran, Mariko, Aunt Karen, Donna, Anthony, Tom, Lisa, Nicole, Aunti Di, Grace, Dave, Jim Suzy, Vince, Catherine, Kathleen, Tony, Marando, Betsey, Derek, Angela, Marlene, Gina, Sal, Tracy, Susan, and so many more. I have to thank you guys SO SO much for the support, I couldn't have gotten through today without all of you, it really does mean the world to me.

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