Tuesday, January 12, 2010

48 hours

I'm through with my first 48 hours, and according to Mike, my boyfriend, I am a "cranky pants".  I need to thank him for understanding and not getting mad when I snap on him. He has been a great support to me, and I just hope that he joins me and completely stops himself. He's on his second week of Chantix and has cut his smoking in half, which is good, so hopefully by next week we will both be smoke free.
I couldn't have gotten this far without all of the support from my parents, and my family, and friends, and most of all my Facebook and Twitter friends who every time I feel a real urge to smoke, someone magically knows and gives me a bit of encouragement to keep on going, as well as a lot of tips and their stories. What has worked so far for me is the picture of my wonderful and beatuiful nephew and niece, Nicholas and Angelina that I keep in my bag where I usually kept my cigarettes, all I have to do is look at that picture and smile and keep trucking.

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