Saturday, January 30, 2010

20 days,

Can't believe that it has been 20 days already! Time has flown by. I really am getting used to my new life as a non smoker. I don't reach for a pack when I get into my car, I'm able to go out with Mike for dinner, and go out with my friends, and be just fine. I am even able to sit in a room with other smokers and not want to smoke. That is what happened last night, we were at my friends house and a couple of my other friends smoke, and asked me repediatly if it was alright for them to smoke around me. I kept telling them it was, and they finally did, and I was perfectly fine with it. Could have been the fact that they smoke menthol cigeretts, which I hate, and if I was going to slip up and have one, I wouldn't waste the opportunity on menthol!
Two other exciting happenings in my life.
My friend Gina is getting married in November, and asked me to stand up in her wedding last night! I can't wait and am so competely excited!
And best of all today my wonderful niece, Angelina turns 2! Happy Birthday little munchkin! I can't wait to celebrate with her tonight and again in two weeks at her bowling/puppy party. (no we are not going to bowl with or at puppies)
Oh and as a side note, Mike has quit for 5 days now. See honey I'm mentioning you because I'm proud.

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