Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One Month

Today is one full month since my last cigarette! My initial goal was to get to this point, and I made it. It seemed almost like a finish line way back at day one, but I now know that it's not. There is no finish line it's just the rest of my life. I still want to smoke every so often, but much less than I did in the first couple of weeks. Every situation brings different challenges, and old habit return to memory. I just have to keep pushing past those memories and create new ones. Always knowing that I have a better and healthier future ahead of me now. Life is better, smells better, tastes better, in feels better.

I am going to try to post every day, but may miss every so often. I missed yesterday because my back still hurts and I did not feel up to sitting up and typing. I am getting this post out of the way before the pain starts to come back. I went to see a chiropractor yesterday and I do indeed have a pinched nerve in my back, so I'm going to be taking it easy for a while. Just a constant shooting pain, a whole lot better than Saturday, but not anywhere near normal.

Tonight is Tuesday, and that means another new episode of LOST! Which is awesome, but also means another episode closer to the end, which sucks. Either way, can't wait to watch and I'm sure I will be praising and condemning Darlton tomorrow morning. See you then!

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