Tuesday, January 12, 2010

48 hours

I'm through with my first 48 hours, and according to Mike, my boyfriend, I am a "cranky pants".  I need to thank him for understanding and not getting mad when I snap on him. He has been a great support to me, and I just hope that he joins me and completely stops himself. He's on his second week of Chantix and has cut his smoking in half, which is good, so hopefully by next week we will both be smoke free.
I couldn't have gotten this far without all of the support from my parents, and my family, and friends, and most of all my Facebook and Twitter friends who every time I feel a real urge to smoke, someone magically knows and gives me a bit of encouragement to keep on going, as well as a lot of tips and their stories. What has worked so far for me is the picture of my wonderful and beatuiful nephew and niece, Nicholas and Angelina that I keep in my bag where I usually kept my cigarettes, all I have to do is look at that picture and smile and keep trucking.

36 hours

So I am past the 36 hour mark, so I'm half way there? Maybe.
I'm still feeling good, WAY better than I did at this point yesterday, feel like I am really going to make it. Ate a pretty good lunch, haven't been snacking, so it's all good. Been reading a lot on Joel's website whyquit.com, it's really helping a lot, every time I feel like I can't do this any longer I just read one of his articles, and I move past that craving, towards a better life for myself and everyone around me.

Day two

So far so good, I am now on day two of my smoke free existance, and feel good about it. I slept better that I thought I would last night. I was contemplating taking something to help me sleep, but I wanted to try to get through the night on my own first. It did take about an hour or so of tossing and turning, but I was able to finally shut my mind down and get to sleep and sleep through the night. This is also the last day of work for me for the week, so I'm hoping that being off schedule the rest of the week will help me through it. So far my biggest struggle has been getting to and from the train. That 2 block walk all I think about is smoking, which is weird because those were the cigarettes that I hated the most, I would rather have my gloves on and hands in my pocket than freezing my fingertips off and walking. That's what I think about to get me through. Also after I eat I feel like my stomach won't settle correctly, but deep breaths and gum seem to help. I haven't been eating more than normal, which is good, in fact I think I've been eating less since I don't feel quite right, so hopefully this will help me loose weight as well. I've been drinking a lot more water too, and lip gloss, lots and lots of lip gloss. That's all for now, I'll check back mid day.
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