Wednesday, February 10, 2010

31 days, Yogi Bear, and a little Socialism

31 days, feeling great, all the normal stuff. Very excited to be through with the first month, and it went by so much faster that I thought it would have and doesn't seem like it was so bad. I know it was but those memories are becoming distant.

My back is still killing me. I did not go into work today, and had my second chiropractor appointment. I am actually in more pain now then I was this morning. It's not the sharp shooting pain, but more of soreness in my upper back, next and left arm and hand. I'll tell him about it when I go back on Friday.

I haven't been off of work for this long in a very long time. Other than the times I've been out of a job that is. It's very strange. I did not go in on Monday, and left early yesterday and no work today. I am going in tomorrow and going to try for the full day, we'll see how it goes.

Being home from work, there are some very interesting things on TV. I didn't know about the Boomerang channel, it's awesome! All classic cartoons like The Flintstones, Woody Woodpecker, Yogi Bear, and Huckleberry Hound. I watched for quite a while.

I also tuned into Fox news. I know I know bad idea. I am a totally left bleeding heart liberal, and I do in my daily life talk smack about the right wing, crazy christian, T-bagger, W, and moose hunter lovers. (I will not say their names in my blog; they do not deserve the mention). I also preach equality and treating each other with kindness and understandings, so I decided why not give it a shot to attempt to see the other side of things.

I decided to tune into Glen Beck, with all intentions of watching the full show. I will say right now that I was only able to get half way through before I only had three choices. 1. Change the channel and put on some Comedy Central, or MSNBC, 2. Throw the remote control through the TV, 3. Purchase a gun and go on a bloody rampage. My back hurt too much to throw anything with force, I am a strong supporter of gun control and refuse to ever hold one, let alone purchase one, so I was left with the rational channel change.

I sat on my couch unable to keep my jaw from hitting the floor, his banter just got more and more ridicules, moronic, and plain old dumb.

First thing, to anyone that supports and actually listens to these people. Communism and Socialism are not interchangeable terms they are completely different ideologies. If you are interested in knowing the difference, defines it well:

He also referred numerous times to the fact that "we don't want what happened in (insert random European country) to happen here" with ABSOLUTLY NO EXPLINATION OR REFERNCE to what event he was talking about. He also refers to himself as a patriot and claims he loves this country, in an quick attempt to find out more information on this person, I came across this quote from his then radio show in 2005 "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining."

Nice isn't it? It makes me physically ill that there are people that I know personally, and once thought were normal people, whom I still care about and love watch this guy and believe in the lies that he spouts.

I do just wish that someone like Jon Stewart, or really anyone out there with a loud enough voice will call these people what they are, sore losers and racists. Plain and simple if you supported the democratic cause and voted democratic before Obama was elected and all of a sudden have joined the Tea Party movement stop saying that you have become a conservative overnight and be honest and say that you don't like him because he's black and you are a raciest pig, I'll have more respect for you if you just admit it, than if you say that you really think that Moose Hunter should be our next president.
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